Feel so busy that the idea of a break makes you laugh? Actually, breaks make you better. A better employee. A better spouse. A better mom. It’s time to Breakup with Your No-Break Policy.
Thanks to Cafe Breaks for this sponsored post.
Spring break.
Summer break.
A long sound followed by “Did it break?”
Depending on the inflection in your voice and where you are in your life, those words can cause total and utter panic, sadness, and some pretty cringe-worthy reactions.
Of course they do – for many of us, especially moms, they actually translate as actual more work.
I know that in my head, the word “break” hasn’t ever been something that I have ever considered a positive.
If I was taking a break, I was missing out. (FOMO would be the right verbiage here.)
If I took a break, that meant I wasn’t getting it done.
If we’re talking spring or summer break, that’s work. I love my kids and love the opportunity to be with them more, but that means the cruise director / taxi driver hat comes out of storage. It’s work. Plan the camps, pack the vacations, keep the “mom, I’m bored” moments at bay – that’s all work.
That’s part of the reason I don’t normally sit down all down long for a break. I wait the whole day, when I can’t manage to do anything else at all OR it’s finally time to go to bed. Otherwise, if I took a break I could feel how tired my body and my brain really is. It’s just seemed easier to muscle through it and then let the pain of the day get to me all at one time.
And if someone saw me take a break, that seemed even worse. Like something we aren’t supposed to do. Like we weren’t deserving as a woman or a mom or a wife. We’re just supposed to keep on going. And perhaps that if I just kept on going, trudging through, that one day, one of those days that I had 48 hours worth of work in it to complete but thought I couldn’t mark it all off in one, I would get to the end of the list.
Then what happens???
Guess what…
More stuff.
Sometime between New Year’s resolutions and planning my “let’s get organized” calendar, I decided that this negative idea of a break that I had created in my head was total and dire crap.
That’s right. Crap.
Then and there, I decided to take a break.
A break from all the crazy things I had thought up in my head that being a “do-er,” something I very much held close to my heart as my title in life because I was always moving, going and getting it done, I was totally wrong.
What I really learned is that break I wasn’t taking and refusing to allow myself to enjoy, was actually the part I was really MISSING OUT on.
There’s nothing to prove with that break I wasn’t taking for myself. Actually studies have shown that just 15 minutes can make a big impact on your health and that 15 minutes can change your life. In actuality, that break that I was avoiding, that many of us insist we “don’t have time for” can make you change your mood, making you more effective, refreshed, and ready to take on the rest of the list.
So when you sit down to make your next list, schedule a break. Make it part of your day. Put it in your calendar. And don’t even feel guilty when you take it. Don’t let someone shift it to another time. Don’t think you need to hide in the closet or quietly run to the bathroom (unless that’s the only when you can get it), but do what you must to make sure that break happens.
That’s what makes Café Breaks make it easy for you to take that break.
It’s a reminder to stop, take a moment and savor something good that makes you happy. Every spoonful is like taking that necessary deep breath we should all do. Like meditation…but with chocolate. Best of all, they come in four, indulgent. gourmet coffee-inspired flavors and you can get them basically anywhere (hello, Kroger!)
And best of all, if you’re afraid that a little chocolate break is going to cause you to have to add time to your workout, think again. Just 100 calories.
That’s all. That’s all it takes for a break.
Just be careful not to eat it too fast…the idea is to take the break, not rush it just because it tastes good.
Just like in Kindergarten when we learned about the importance of naptime, that still holds true. Take a break. Enjoy your break. Live your break.
Otherwise, what’s it’s all worth?
Well, one a day at the spa wouldn’t be hurt to help you take a break, huh? Enter to win a $500 SpaFinder gift card!
Café Breaks Spa Weekend with Mom
wendy browne says
Wow, great easy entry! Thank you.