Being a mom doesn’t mean you have to be momming all the time. Don’t feel guilty pulling your mom time out card- it actually makes you a better parent. Thanks to Groupon for this collaboration and making it easier for parents to enjoy a little time out without breaking the budget.
I almost feel like I have to preface this post with “I love my kids…I really really do.”
I’ve enjoyed every moment this summer with my kids. I know they’ll be older soon and times building LEGOs, making messes in the kitchen as we attempt to bake, and playing tea party, will be days of yesterday. And I’ll beg for them back.
…But there are days, like today, where I’d consider pulling each one of my toenails out with my mouth if it would stop the screaming, the crying and the yelling – and that’s just what I’m doing! You can only imagine what the kids sound like to make me crazy.
For some reason, moms feel this need to not just be with their kids, but express to everyone that they are enjoying every freaking moment of it…
Remember that commercial from the 80s “Calgon Take Me Away?” That was actually a mom asking just to have a bath by herself. No screaming, no floaty toys or no dirty feet, just a hot bath with no #momguilt. Not too much to ask, right?
And “Bad Moms?” I loved the movie, but I hated the name. It should have been called “Real Moms” because that’s how every mom has felt. And if you don’t have enough guts to say it, that’s what makes you a bad mom.
For us to be “Good Moms” we need to be balanced. We need to have a little me time. We need time to get away from the frustration and stress, so we aren’t always seen as a can with a label that says “contents under pressure.” We need a mom time out.
Unfortunately, most the time, that me time costs money…thus another reason to feel #momguilt.
I’d love to be able to go out for a girlfriend getaway to Napa or a night out on the town, but those moments don’t come without a lot of planning including a babysitter, organizing things, etc…basically all that stuff you’re already tired of doing and need the time out from.
However, Groupon (specifically Health, Beauty & Wellness Groupons) have made it easy for me not snag a little me time without feeling guilt of money or time.
When I need to getaway, I can hit up Groupon, type in my zip code, and bam – massages for about the same cost of a few Starbucks. I actually get a little relief from first buying the Groupon, then getting the appointment booked, and of course, getting the massage. And when you’re lucky, Groupon runs specials on specific categories like “spa,” so you get an additional 20% off already lowered prices. That’s what I like to refer to as a double whammy: you get the deal and an even bigger discount!
I don’t always tell anyone that I’m doing it either – that way I don’t have to make excuses, sing a song about “Groupon Take me Away,” or feel bad about taking my timeout. I just do it. One hour later, I’m back in business and doing the things I need to do, with a little less stress to deal with. Now, if you look real hard, sometimes you can even find spa deals that include a massage, facial, and more for those times when you’re time out needs to last a little longer.
And massages aren’t the only thing you can find on Groupon; you can find highlights, eyelashes, manis/panis and more. All you to do is click to find what you want within your budget. That way you have the pleasure of getting the time out without being out of money.
Want it, click it, enjoy it – all on your budget with Groupon!
Now what a deal this is, I love that Groupon will make it easy to have a mom day away from it all. I get four days a month where the kids are all off at the same time to their co-parents. I let go of guilt a long time ago, and think that all moms can benefit from taking time to themselves for sure!
Is one thing I have never felt guilty about. Sometimes you need a little time to yourself to be a good mother. You need to spoil yourself sometimes.
What?!? Groupon runs specials on top of their awesome prices? Where have I been?!? I’m not a mom yet, but I can only imagine how important it is to take a few minutes for yourself! What a great gift for moms!
1. I LOVE Groupon- it’s the only way I get the good spa deals AND awesome gifts for friends.
2. Bad Moms=Real Moms… truer words never spoken!
Women should never feel guilty about taking time for themselves. When you take care of yourself you have more to give to others. Additionally, families should see mom/wife care for herself because it teaches them they should value themselves as well.
Going anywhere with the kids means I need a vacation from the vacation. Getting away myself isn’t much easier with all the pre-planning. It’s so important to take that me-time though. Totally worth it.
Love all the awesome deals you can find on Groupon. I also love my “me time” and I think all moms need some “me time” without the guilt.
I’m trying not to feel guilty! The other day, the kids were occupied so I started watching Gilmore Girls. It’s like they had a sense and got upset I was doing something for me! Next time, I need to leave the house to get a massage!