I admit it. I hate to garden. Actually I’m miserable at it.
If you love spending time in the yard, digging up weeds and planting flower, I tip my hat to you. Martha Stewart and HGTV has tricked all us into thinking we can recreate these beautifully-landscaped backyards in 30 minutes to an hour while wearing a white button down and STILL not get one drop of dirt on it. Please. It’s not realistic and frankly it just makes me roll my eyes.
Still, after a long day at work and the kids are sound asleep in their beds, who doesn’t like to sit out on a your deck, porch, whatever, grab a beverage and enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet?
With a little guidance from Calloway’s Nursery, gardening will go from being a boring chore that you dread during the spring and summer, to a fun activity that just also happens to be rewarding! And even if you have a “brown thumb” like me, there are easy ways you can bring color and love to your yard.
The first trick to gardening, and frankly everything in life, is to start slow.
Don’t walk into Calloway’s, find the biggest rose bush and wander why it doesn’t grow. You’re setting yourself up for failure and that will discourage you from every picking up a shovel again. Instead of trying to tackle your entire yard, start your journey with a container garden, like those cute pot or planters you’ve seen on Pinterest that hold flowers, herbs and vegetables. This is really a win-win idea. Not only are you able to control many of the elements required for growing, but you can also introduce your family to gardening and show your kids how something simple like basil grows and eventually ends up in their favorite spaghetti sauce. And the Best Mom Award Goes To…
In our rather warm, and by warm I mean scorching, sometimes unbearable, summer weather, herbs like basil, mint, thyme and oregano will thrive in the hot conditions. Plants like vinca, purslane, moss roes and lantana will also do well. You can also ask your local Calloway’s nursery professional and they’ll be able to tell you which items are the best for your climate.
Another thing that can be really intimidating is all of the fancy terms that you hear those “experts” mention on home and garden TV shows. Annuals, perennials and biennials. Oh My. Have fun in your yard! Choose plants and flowers that make you smile and will bring joy to your family. If you are really concerned about how long they will last, the folks at Calloway’s will offer great suggestions that will not leave you more confused.
Now that you’ve gotten the 411 on gardening, grab your gloves, some clothes you don’t mind getting dirty and let’s get started!
There are just a few items you will need:
- A planter or plot
- An assortment of heat-tolerant herbs, plants or flowers
- A rock or piece of bark
- Calloway’s Premium Potting Soil
- Calloway’s Professional Flower Food
- A positive attitude!
And it’s super easy to pot your new plant friends.
- Arrange your plants and flowers outside the potter FIRST to see what looks best. Remember it doesn’t have to look perfect – just whatever makes you happy.
- Once you have an arrangement, place a rock or piece of bark over the drainage holes so that water doesn’t leak everywhere and then fill the pot halfway with potting soil.
- Time for your flowers! Fill the extra space around the plants with more potting soil, leaving one inch of space at the top for water.
- Add flower food to container, more potting soil if needed, a good supply of water and ENJOY!
Now, we already talked about how the Texas heats beats down in the spring and summer months, so make sure you water often until you see water seeping out the drainage holes. Remove faded blooms to promote new growth and regularly trim any extra stems so that your pots stay gorgeous. Think of it like you’re getting rid of your plant’s split ends.
And it’s just that easy. If it makes you feel more official, go ahead and put on a white button down like Martha. After all, that’s why we purchase all of those fancy laundry detergents and bleach.
I know firsthand that gardening takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and some TLC but sometimes it’d be nice if I could achieve everything I wanted out of the garden in just 30-60 minutes! 😉
I agree that it’s important to pick plants/herbs that are appropriate for your climate for the best success. Happy Gardening to you!
I wish I had a green thumb! These are so very pretty and I am sure they will make my back yard look amazing!
I love to garden. Can’t wait until my new above ground garden is finished.
Oh WOW that is gorgeous! I am SO bad at keeping plants alive even my mom fired me from the job LOL! I need your green thumb to come plant for me!
Those flowers are stunning! I wish I was good at gardening! Maybe I’ll give it a second chance!
What great tips. We need heat-tolerant plants, here in Texas, lol… My FIL does all the planting around here and he loves it.
I think your advice in going slow is the best advice you can offer. You cannot hurry along a garde, at least not one that will flourish.
I planted my first garden this year. It was so much fun to do it with the kids. These are great tips.
That is a pretty flower! I need to work on my garden.
I thought about adding some vinca this year and work on some others as time goes on. This is really helpful!
These tips are great! I love gardening when I have the time.
A beautiful garden can really brighten up a backyard! The bright colors are such a mood lightener!
I am really good at growing weeds!! My youngest loves flowers and she actually is the one who takes care of our flower bed. These are great tips!
I wish I have a space for a garden. I will fill it with lots of flowers and there will be a corner for herbs and vegetables.
I so would love to do a front yard garden, just finding the time to do it is my hurdle. What pretty selections and colors they offer!
A child can find a lot of enjoyment in the dirt and with flowers. Once they are growing you can make beautifully decorated mudpie cakes and cookies with the flowers sprinkled on. Hours of fun