It’s a necessary evil but it’s gotta get done: laundry. Here’s a handy list of keeping things manageable and also a way to keep you from “laundry overload.”
Thank you to Press Cleaners for helping me to manage my mamachallenge and this sponsored post.
There are two things I hate doing more than anything (yes, anything): dishes and laundry.
But they both have to get done and unfortunately neither the dishwasher or the washing machine can do it all without your special interference. (Let’s fact it, those appliances should be renamed the “dish helper” and the “washing machine steps 2-3.”)
Get a fresh start both at school and home with these laundry tips.
Did you know that on average we spend up to eight hours a month on laundry-related activities?
Donate or Alter Old Clothes
Let’s face it, last year’s wardrobe probably doesn’t fit anymore because this summer’s growth spurt decided to take matters into its own hands. If you timed everything right, one sibling can easily jump into their older sibling’s hand me downs (a lot of us have been there). If not, think about throwing any old clothes into bags and taking them to a consignment sale like Just Between Friends (it’s my favorite.) Make a little money on your old clothes and you can stock up on clothes for the next season at extraordinary prices.
Get Ready for New Stains
You know that giant box of markers you just received at You know who’s favorite color marker is going to make its mark on that brand new outfit you bought just two weeks ago. Luckily a lot of crayons and markers can easily be removed with some detergent and warm water, but if it turns nasty (looking at you, permanent markers), you’re going to need some heavier stain warfare. Make sure you’re stocked up on stain removal products so you can attack the stain once the 3:30 bell rings. If all else fails, enlist the expertise of your local dry cleaning professional, as they have more products to work with (mine says don’t do anything before you bring it to her because it can also do worth, so decide in advance who is going to take on that stain for success!)
Freshen Up Household Linens
From the school supplies to the wardrobe, everything seems like it’s getting the refresh that it deserves — except for your home. Summer break means a lot of wear and tear on your home’s furniture and linens. With the kids in school and a regular schedule back in motion, think about professionally cleaning everything from bedding to drapery. In fact, you should try to freshen up household linens frequently since they’re essentially magnets for dust, sweat, and other less than desireable friends. So how often should you be cleaning certain linens and fabrics around your home?
Women spend nearly an hour a day on laundry and interior cleaning (compared to men at just 15 minutes on average)
Here’s a quick guide for reference:
- Bedding (Sheets/Pillowcases) – Weekly
- Bath Towels – Clean After 4-5 Uses
- Workout Towels – Clean After Each Use
- Curtains – Every 1 to 3 Months
- Duvet Cover/Comforter – Every 3 to 6 Months
- Pillows – Every 3 to 6 Months
- Couch Cushion Covers – Every 3 to 6 Months
If you just went through that list and don’t know the last time you actually cleaned some of those items, it’s probably a good time to get it done. Some items, such as towels and sheets, can easily be cleaned at home. Others, such as curtains and couch covers, typically need professional care. If you smoke inside or have residents that are allergy-prone, you’ll want to increase the frequency of the cleanings.
All Hands On Deck: Laundry Day for the Family
Family laundry day? The words make me laugh, but even at the age of 6, my daughter is required to put in a little time. But when there’s just no time at all and the laundry starts to pile up like a national monument in your house, it’s time for reinforcements. Press (think uber for laundry) helps you get through the work so you can get to what you need to or even better, find time to spend as a family – not doing laundry. With free pickup and delivery, all you have to do is put it at the door and they’ll send it back to you – clean and folded!
Get $10 off your first order in Dallas or Fort Worth by using promo code “MAMACHALLENGE” at sign up.